Creative Coding

Researching the digital approach. Art and logic with coding.

Is it art? Yes.

Image created with code

What is creative coding?

Creative coding uses software, code and computational processes to be expressive or to create art forms. While creative coding is generally thought of as more aesthetic than functional, it is becoming increasingly commonplace in advertising, branding and the wider design industry. While never the first thing to come to mind when discussing art, creative coding is revolutionizing what art is and can be. As we enter a more digital world, creative coding may be the contemporary art movement we need in order to articulate major societal challenges we are facing as technology advances.

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Jpyepez Work
Black Rock " JP Yepez"

JP Yepez

Based in New Zealand, new media artist and researcher JP Yepez incorporates different practices such as creative coding and sound design into his generative sketches. His work often boasts a glitch aesthetic and explores “expressivity, multimodality, and complex systems.”

Follow him on Instagram at @jpyepez

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Bright AV Shadow Room installation " by Alida Sun"

Alida Sun

Using tools like Processing and Deep Dream, Futurist artist Alida Sun employs programming and projection mapping technology in her light installations that flood the senses. Often centering herself within the frames of her structures, she exposes the clash that results from competing dualities: light and dark, corporeal and abstract, order and chaos.

Follow her on Instagram at @alidasun

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chelleysherman Work
Dispertion " by Chelley Sherman"

Chelley Sherman

San Francisco-based digital artist Chelley Sherman creates dark, other-worldly coding projects that seem to evoke a mysterious energy. Her visualizations simulate thriving ecosystems that bombard and captivate the viewers’ senses.

Follow her on Instagram at @chelleysherman

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